
Hello! Welcome to my world! In case I actually end up making this website (I probably won't), I hope you enjoy. Otherwise, I think you won't like a blank page with, like, a paragraph and some random things. In any case, have a good life! I hope I have one too!


Here is my Tumblr. Like everything else, it only has a few posts. I'm really bad with following up with things. Like, I have the motivation for it, but I don't have the motivation to DO it, y'know? I wish I was more diligent. But I don't think that will happen. I'm young anyway. Life will happen. Anyway, sorry for rambling.

25.10.2024-- I'm starting to learn some stuff about html and css, not much, but I have improved. I'm trying, though. I've done a bunch of stuff like formatting the background and changing the font, and its starting to vaguely look like a website??? idkk thoo. hmmm...